The Local Zip Code by area in Siem Reap Province. The Siem Reap postcode by county or commune. You can use the following table below to find the postcode of the area in Siem Reap province that you want. To do a search, first enter the name of the county or commune you want to search for, or you … [Read more...] about Siem Reap Postcode – Siem Reap Zipcode
zip code
Most recently updates 2019 Cambodia postal code for all cities and provinces – Cambodia Zip code
The Cambodia postal code or Cambodia Zip code for all cities and provinces. To check the Cambodia postal code or Cambodia Zip code of a specific area please use the table on this page. Please choose the city, province, commune or municipality below or you may also input the name of the … [Read more...] about Most recently updates 2019 Cambodia postal code for all cities and provinces – Cambodia Zip code