The Cambodia postal code or Cambodia Zip code for all cities and provinces.
To check the Cambodia postal code or Cambodia Zip code of a specific area please use the table on this page.
Please choose the city, province, commune or municipality below or you may also input the name of the location to search the :
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How to use the table to check the zip codes of a location in Cambodia
In this post, I have arranged a table that listed all postal codes or cities, provinces, districts, and communes in Cambodia. The table provides you the option to short and search the area that allows you more easily to find an area zip code. These three sections of the short and search filter in the table that allow you to do the following:
- City/Province: in this section, allow you to sort the lists in the table bale by province o city. When you choose a specific province or city, then the result will show you only the zip code of a province or city that you selected.
And also in the district selection tab will only be listed the district that you have selected too. - District: in this section, allow you to sort the lists in the table by District. When you choose a specific district of a province, then the result will show you only the zip code of the communes that belonging to a district that you selected.
- Search tab: If you know the exact name of the area you want to know the zip code you can search by its name.
Why need a zipcode or postcode?
You will need the Cambodia Postal code when you send something to someone who lives in Cambodia. And also when someone send mail to you via the post office, they will also need the postal code of your location. The post office will sort the mail and deliver it to you through the post office branch of your location following the postal code that you provide. If you don’t know the Cambodia postal code yet, you can find it in the table above.
Over more, the online business companies will require you to put in the billing address. For example, If you would like to boost Facebook page post with Facebook ads account you will also need to put the zip code of your area into billing address. The zip code that you put in the billing address should match the zip code or your credit card’s address.
In addition, When you register an account with the online store like Amazon, eBay, Ali-express you will need to put your area zip code in your shipping address. And also if you put the incorrect zip code of your location in the zipping address, you a shipping package may result may attempt delivery failed. If you have an experience like this, you will need to contact to the post office or shipping company directly. You can find the address and the contact information of the Cambodia post office by visiting their website here.
I have also posted the article about the individual zip code of the province in Cambodia. All about Cambodia zip code, you can find the table in this post or you may also check the postal code for another province individually here.
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