You can search for Oddar Meanchey Province postal code or Oddar Meanchey zip code in the table in this post.
To search the Oddar Meanchey zip code, please put an area name in the search box or select the district, commune name:
[anh]Oddar Meanchey Province postal code or Oddar Meanchey zip code in the table in this post:
District name | Postal Code |
Ampil Commune | 240201 |
Beng Commune | 240202 |
Kouk Khpos Commune | 240203 |
Kouk Mon Commune | 240204 |
The zipcode of another province in Cambodia.
If you are looking for a postal code of another area in Cambodia, you can visit the page: Cambodia postal code for all cities and provinces – Cambodia Zip code. And also, if you want to know the zip code of the area in Phnom Penh, please visit the page: Phnom Penh zip code for all district and commune of Phnom Penh city.
The Post office of the Oddar Meanchey Province branch.
When someone sends the mail to you, then the post office will deliver mail to you following the address and postal code that given in the mailing address. Sometimes the Post office may contact you to pick up the mail from the office so you may need to know the address of the post office of your area. Well, in this post, I will mention the address of the Oddar Meanchey Province branch. The address of the Oddar Meanchey Province branch is Chhouk Village, Sangkat Samrong, Krung Samrong, Oddarmeanchey Province. And also, you can check more information about the contact person or representative of the post office in your location in the Cambodia post office website here.
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