Check Phnom Penh zip code or Phnom Penh postal code for all commune and district in Phone Penh, Cambodia
Phnom Penh zip code or Phnom Penh postal code is a series of digits, included in a postal address of the areas in Phnom Penh for the purpose of sorting mail by Phnom Penh post office and logistic companies. When you buy the product online from the online store such as eBay, Amazon, Alibaba, etc. you will need to provide the postal code of your location in your shipping address. And also Your relative or friends who living abroad, they will need the postal code or zip code of your city and your address to send something to you via the post office or any other logistic firm. Moreover, When you sign up an account on any websites or social networks some time they require you to fill the zip code of your location in the address section of the sign-up page to continue.
The Cambodia government has been established new districts and communes in the Phnom Penh capital city so the zip code of the districts and communes also updated. I have researched for newly updated zip codes of the regions in Phnom Penh and posted them in this post to make you all easier to find the current postal code of the area that you want. You can check the Phnom Penh zip code or postal code for all communes and districts in the table below:
Phnom Penh postal code by districts and commences:
District name | Postal Code |
Sangkat Tonle Basak | 120101 |
Sangkat Boeng Keng Kong 1 | 120102 |
Sangkat Boeng Keng Kong 2 | 120103 |
Sangkat Boeng Keng Kong 3 | 120104 |
Sangkat Olympic | 120105 |
Sangkat Tuol Svay Prey 1 | 120106 |
Sangkat Tuol Svay Prey 2 | 120107 |
Sangkat Tumnob Tuek | 120108 |
Sangkat Tuol Tumpung 1 | 120109 |
Sangkat Tuol Tumpung 2 | 120110 |
Sangkat Boeng Trabaek | 120111 |
Sangkat Phsar Daeum Thkov | 120112 |
Check postal code of another provinces in Cambodia
If you are looking for a postal code of another area in Cambodia, Please follow the link below:
- Phnom Penh Postal Code
- Banteay Meanchey Province postal code
- Battambang Province postal code
- Kampong Cham Province postal code
- Kampong Chhnang Province postal code
- Kampong Speu Province postal code
- Kampong Thom Province postal code
- Kampot Province postal code
- Kandal Province postal code
- Kep Province postal code
- Koh Kong Province postal code
- Kratie Province postal code
- Mondul Kiri Province postal code
- Oddar Meanchey Province postal code
- Pailin Province postal code
- Preah Sihanouk Province postcode
- Preah Vihear Province postal code
- Prey Veng Province postal code
- Pursat Province postal code
- Rathanak Kiri Province postal code
- Savy Rieng Province postal code
- Siem Reap Postcode
- Steung Treng Province postal code
- Takeo Province postal code
- Tbong Khmum Province postal code
In addition, you may also check out the zip code for another area in Cambodia in my post; Cambodia post code for all cities and provinces – Cambodia Zip code.
Why you need a zip code?
When you sign up with any Social Network You will need to put your zip code in your address information. For example, when you sign up Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or Email address, theses service may require your zip code. And also when to buy a product from the online store such as eBay, Alibaba, etc. you will need to put the correct postcode of your address that you are living in the required field. So you can find the correct Phnom Penh postcode in the table above. Overmore, when someone who lives outside Cambodia sends something to you so, you have to tell them about Phnom Penh postcode of your location.
Some people got confusing to put code 855 in the field zip code of their address form. 855 is not a Phnom Penh postcode it is Cambodian-calling code. To put the correct Phnom Penh postcode into your address, please please check the list in the table above.
The Cambodia post office address
The head office of the Cambodia post office has the address of Corner Street 13 & 102, Sangkat Wat Phnom, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh. And also if you are looking for the address of another post office branch please visit the Cambodia post office website here.
I appreciate your taking the time to read this post. I hope that this post could help you all to find the right postal code for the areas in the Phnom Penh. If you have any opinion, please feel free to leave your comment below. If you enjoy this post, please like and share this post with another friend.
Hi Socheat,
I am wondering how come the new postal code no longer cover Chaktomuk area?
The Sangkat Chakto Mukh, Khan Doun Penh, Phnom Penh is 120207. Thank you.
Hello Brother, I want to ask you aout post code at Toul Serei Village, Peany Commune, Kampong Tralach District, Kampong Chhnang Province.
Hello, Currently, the postal code of the areas in Cambodia is only available for Communes, District, Province, and City. Here is the postal code of Peany Communes, Kompong Tralanch District, Kompong Chhang Province, Cambodia: 40207. Thank you.
hi may i ask the postal code of camko city?
Hi Rebecca, Camko City is located in Sangkat Toul Sangkea 2, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, about 3 km (1.9 mi) north of the center of Phnom Penh. And the postal code of Sangkat Toul Sangkea 2 is 120707. Thank you.
I need the post code or Zip code for this are can you please send me the postal or Zip code in Cambodia for this place :
Hello BALAJAWAHA PONNAMBALAM, The Cob Commune, Tboung Khmum district, Tboung Khmum Province is 250606. You can check more detail here: Tbong Khmum Province postal code – Tbong Khmum zip code. Thank you.
The postal code for Bakheng please
Hello there, do you know the new post code of 80 ABCD, Str. 161 Sang Kat Oresey II, Khan 7 Makara?