Check the Preah Sihanouk Zip code. The Preah Sihanouk Province postcode by county or commune.
You can use the following table below to find the Preah Sihanouk Zip code that you want. To do a search, first, enter the name of the county or commune you want to search for, or you can click on the district name and the result will appear below.
District name | Postal Code |
Chamkar Luong Commune | 180301 |
Kampong Seila Commune | 180302 |
Ou Bak Roteh Commune | 180303 |
Stueng Chhay Commune | 180304 |
You may also check Recently updates 2019 Phnom Penh zip code for all district and commune of Phnom Penh city. And also, If you purchase goods online for e-commerces website and postal services are not available in your area, you may need to contact the post office manually. You can find the contact information of Cambodia Post Offices here.
Also, we can tract any shipment from any country to Cambodia via the Cambodia Post Office website here.
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