Are you looking for Battambong Province postal code or Battambang zip code?
If you are searching for the Battambang zip code or the Battambang postal code, you can find it in the table below. And also, you can search and sort the list in the table by district or commune with search and sort tool.
[anh]To search the postal code of an area in Battambang province, please select a district and then choose the commune. And also, you can search the zip code by location name in the search box below:
District name | Postal Code |
Preak Norint Commune | 20401 |
Samraong Knong Commune | 20402 |
Preak Khpob Commune | 20403 |
Preak Luong Commung | 20404 |
Peam Aek Commune | 20405 |
Prey Chas Commune | 20406 |
Kaoh Chiveang Commune | 20407 |
I have also posted about the Phnom Penh zip code for all district and commune of Phnom Penh city. If you want to know about postal code in all areas in Cambodia, please visit the postal code archives in my blog.
How to use a zipcode?
When you open a bank account you or register with any other companies or school, you will need to put the zip code in your address.
And also you the zip code is very important to you when you buy something online because the shipping company needs your area zip code to sort the package and deliver it to you. If you provide the incorrect postcode, it can result in your package shipment failed delivery.
Battambang post office branch
The Battambang post office branch’s address is Route 1, Kamakor Village, Sangkat Svaypor, Krung Battambang, Battambang Province. And also if you would like to know more about the Cambodia post office please visit their website here.
I appreciate you for spending your time to read my blog. I hope that the post could help you to find the right area zip code in the Battambong province. If you have any opinion relate to the article please leave your comment below. You may also share the post about the Battambong province postal code with your friends. Thank you.
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