The Local Zip Code by area in Siem Reap Province. The Siem Reap postcode by county or commune.
You can use the following table below to find the postcode of the area in Siem Reap province that you want. To do a search, first enter the name of the county or commune you want to search for, or you can click on the district name and the result will appear below.
District name | Postal Code |
Char Chhuk Commune | 171101 |
Doun Peng Commune | 171102 |
Kouk Doung Commune | 171103 |
Koul Commune | 171104 |
Nokor Pheas Commune | 171105 |
Srae Khvav Commune | 171106 |
Ta Saom Commune | 171107 |
If you would like to check the address of the post office branch in Cambodia please visit the Cambodia post office website here. And also you can check the postal code of another area in Cambodia on page Cambodia postcode for all cities and provinces – Cambodia Zipcode
Why you need a postal code or zip code?
A postal code is a code number that defined the specific area that the post office use to post the shipmen to. When you buy something online from eBay, Aliexpress, Amazon or any other e-commerce website, you will need a zip code to put in the shipping address. if you put the incorrect zip code in the shipping address then you order shipmen delivery may be failed. And also Cambodia Post office has updated the postal code of the area in Cambodia from 5 digits to 6 digits for example; 12000 to 120000. The updates postal code is due to the increased amount of provinces and districts.
And also when you sign up an account online with Social media or any other website you will need to put the zip code into your address info too.
About Siem Reap province
Siem Reap, a resort town in northwestern Cambodia, is the gateway to the ruins of Angkor, the seat of the Khmer kingdom from the 9th–15th centuries. Angkor’s vast complex of intricate stone buildings includes preserved Angkor Wat, the main temple, which is pictured on Cambodia’s flag. Giant, mysterious faces are carved into the Bayon Temple at Angkor Thom.
What is the post code for Svaydunkum Siem Reap please..